Since so many people asked me where I got half of my reading list from Internet, I am gonna share to you some place which I usually get ebooks from.
I download from so many site, but only few got bookmarked.
Halo, karena banyak yang bertanya padaku darimana aku mendapatkan sebagian besar koleksi bacaanku dari internet, aku akan berbagi beberapa tempat yang sering kugunakan untuk mendapatkan buku-bukuku.
Aku memang mendownload dari banyak situs, tapi hanya beberapa yang ku-bookmark
Here top list of them :
Ini dia daftar teratasnya :
1. Ebook Bike
I really love this site because it provides me sooooo manyy books. Any genres. Fiction or Non-Fiction. But only provide EPUB and txt format. So if you want pdf or some else, you have to convert them by yourself. It also says that providing audiobooks but since I don't really like this version, I haven't checked that. Over all, I give this site : 4.5/5 (because this is my favorite site)!
Aku sangat suka situs ini karena menyediakan baaaaaaanyak banget buku. Semua genre. Fiksi ataupun Non-Fiksi. Sayangnya, menyediakan format EPUB dan txt. Jadi, jika kamu ingin versi PDF atau yang lainnya, kau harus mengkonversikannya sendiri. Situs ini katanya juga menyediakan versi audiobooks, tapi karena aku tidak terlalu suka versi itu, aku belum mengeceknya.
Keseluruhan, aku beri situs ini : 4.5/5 (karena ini situs favoritku)!
Plus :
- So many choices. You can search the book you want by typing the author/the title/the series name.
- It has simple appearence, and if you did not active the adblocker you have to wait 5 seconds before downloading. But if you active the adblocker, no waiting time!
Plus :
- Banyak pilihan! Kau bisa mencari buku yang kau inginkan dengan mengetik nama penulis/judul buku/judul serialnya.
- Tampilannya sederhana, dan jika kau tidak mengaktifkan adblocker, kau harus menunggu 5 detik sebelum mulai mendowload. Tapi, jika kau mengaktifkan adblocker, LANGSUNG DOWNLOAD AJAA!
Minus :
- It only provides EPUB and text format
- Some books maybe be removed by DMCA request, but the warning will not appear until you hit download button. It can be so tricky :(
Minus :
- Hanya menyediakan format EPUB dan txt
- Beberapa buku mungkin sudah disingkirkan karena permintaan DCMA, sayangnya peringatan itu nggak akan muncul sampai kita menekan tombol download. Kadang bisa ngeselin banget lo :(
2. RedNovella
I just found this site yesterday when I searched for Nerve by Jeanne Ryan. This site is very helpful. There are some categories to ease the searching. And it has enough variants of books. Over all, I rate this site : 4/5
Aku baru nemu situs ini kemaren saat aku nyari novel Nerve-nya Jeanne Ryan. Situs ini ngebantuuuu banget. Ada beberapa kategori yang memudahkan pencarian. Dan cukup punya variasi buku.
Keseluruhan, kuberi : 4/5
Plus :
- Not so different with, rednovella also provide many books. And newest too.
- It has trending tab, so that we would know or at least it's a good recommendation.
- This site has genres tab, so you can choose your favorite genres!
Plus :
- Nggak jauh beda sama, rednovella juga nyedian buku yang lumayan banyak. Baru-baru lagi.
- Ada tab trendingnya, jadi kita bisa tahu atau paling nggak itu bisa jadi rekomendasi untuk kita.
- Situs ini juga ada tab untuk genre, tinggal pilih genre favoritmu aja deh!
- It only provides EPUB and text format
- Unlike, your download will not be downloaded automatically. You will be redirected to hulkload or sendspace to download them
Minus :
- Hanya nyediain EPUB sama txt format aja.
- Nggak kayak, downloadan-mu nggak akan kedownload otomatis. Kamu bakal keredirect ke hulkload atau sendspace untuk bisa download.
WHOOO! This is also my favorite site. I found soooooo many books from here. And all I can say is that this is amazing site. You can join the bookclub here to get recommedations or news or else : And it's FREE! Sucribing the mailing list also recommended!
Over all, I give this site : 4.5/5
WHOOO! Ini juga situs favoritku~ Aku dapet banyak banget buku dari sini! Dan aku cuma bisa bilang situs ini : AMAZING. Kalian juga bisa gabung ke bookclubnya untuk dapet rekomendasi, berita, yang lain di : GRATIS! Berlangganan mailinh list mereka juga disarankan!
Keseluruhan, situs ini dapet : 4.5/5
Plus :
- It has cool preface. I just love it.
- It has a genre tab and bestseller tab. (Jojo Moyes and Trials of Apollo everyone!)
- You can also request a book, by subscribing their mailing.
- You can also join a book club linked to this site.
- It has partner site, then if you can't find a book you want, maybe you should check the partner site. (Good luck!)
Plus :
- Punya tampilan awal yang keren, suka banget~
- Ada tab genre sama tab bestseller (Ayo cari buku inceranmu XD)
- Kalian juga bisa rikues buku loh, caranya ada di sana, salah satunya berlangganan mailing listnya.
- Kalian juga bisa gabung ke bookclub yang terhubung sama situs ini.
- Ada partner sitenya, jadi kalo kamu nggak bisa nemu buku yang kau mau, mungkin kamu bisa cek situs partnernya~ (Semoga beruntung XD)
Minus :
- It provides EPUB format mostly. But if you lucky enough, you can get the pdf. (I haven't figured it out yet how it can be, sometimes the epub label downloaded as pdf instead)
- You will be redirected to zippyshare to download them. And don't be surprised if some links maybe be broken. (The site doesn't provide this info)
Minus :
- Kebanyakan cuma ada epub formatnya doang. Tapi kalo beruntung, bisa dapet pdf (entah gimana, kadang-kadang yang labelnya epub download bisa kedownload jadi pdf)
- Kalian bakal redirect ke zippyshare untuk download. Dan jangan kaget kalo ada link yang broken :') Situsnya sama sekali gak ngasih peringatan.
So those are some sites I recommend for you. Still have many sites. Like ibookpile and so on, but I don't have a time to finish it = ̄ω ̄=
You can always get the book you want by putting these keyword : TITLE, DOWNLOAD FREE, FORMAT, AUTHOR
Finally, thanks for reading, feel free to spread the words.
And remember that keep supporting the author by BUYING THE OFFICIAL COPIES!╭(′▽`)╭(′▽`)╯
1 komentar:
u can try mobile9. its all free. but there can be lots of smut
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